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Agriculture and the entire set of correlated operations, from the production to the commercialisation of goods, is a key sector for the portuguese economy and a business sector with enormous growth potential.

The combination of our natural conditions with the economic climate and what this represents in terms of concern with the production of food products, together with an increasing awareness of the return to the rural world and land, consubstantiate an enormous opportunity.

At BRAM, we have a consolidated background in legal advisory to both domestic and international agribusiness, helping our customers to choose the best investment and contractual solutions.

With us, agricultural investors find solutions for their projects in a one stop shop concept. Whether in the acquisition or sale of agriculture assets, livestock or forests, the leasing, lending and transmission of farms or in livestock partnerships, whether in forest exploitation, organic farming, apiculture or cynegetic development, we have vast experience in monitoring processes and advising our clients.

We also advise on all that is related to the regularization and updating of property and land registers, agro-industrial and environmental licensing and the use of hydric resources and their compliance with the common agriculture policy, with the agricultural policy instruments and with the domestic legislation.

We assist and support our clients in finding the best solutions for the management of rural and mixed properties, including the implementation of new technologies which are applicable, namely to agro-sylvo-pastoralism, as well as in the complementary use of rural areas for the production of alternative energies sources and in the development of sustainable agricultural and agro-tourism projects.

Throughout the portuguese territory, we support farmers in the elaboration and development of their exploration projects, in the fulfilment of their commitments and in the defense of their interests before third parties, the public administration or the European authorities; as well as, in the circumstances of climatic accidents and randomness, in everything that concerns harvest insurance in possible situations of dispute.

We combine legal expertise with in-depth knowledge of the land and the rural sector.

In Agribusiness, we make the difference.

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